From Left to Right
Excavator of Darkness:
3 Pieces:
-Dark Soul damage is increased by 30%
6 Pieces:
-Ballacre's Ambition cooltime is reduced by 30%, Damage increases by 30%
9 Pieces:
-Ballacre damage increased by 50%, Rampant Slaughter (z key when ballacre is summoned) damage is increased by 50%.
11 Pieces:
-Guillotine damage increases by 80%, requires one extra cube fragment
Spider Prince Set:
3 Pieces:
-Dark Inspiration Wave (Nicholas Grab) cooltime decreased by 20%
-Summon Zombie cooltime decreased by 20%
6 Pieces:
-Dark Ramification Wave (EX Nicholas Grab)cooltime decreased by 30%, Damage increased by 30%
9 Pieces:
-Nicholas's damage is increased by 100%, Requires 1 extra cube to summon
11 Pieces:
-Black Web duration increased by 10 seconds, radius is increased by 30%, Darkness attack buff increased by an additional 10, requires 1 more cube fragment.
Deceased Soul Set:
3 Pieces:
-Dark Soul cooltime decreased by 20%
-Curse Spear cooltime decreased by 20%
6 Pieces:
-Dark Nail cooltime decreased by 30%, damage increased by 30%
-Resentment of the Dead cooltime reduced by 20%
9 Pieces:
-Soul lure hit interval decreases by 50%, duration increased by 20%, requires one more cube fragment
11 Pieces:
-Obssession of the dead (Lvl 60 ex) duration increased by 100%, hold duration decreased by 50%
I was wondering if the quest was still to do hameln hell mode, and what the hell does this epic do.