If you need something translated, whether it's an item, pet, quest or anything in general, e-mail me at dnfweekly.at.gmail.com or leave a comment in the request post

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

2nd Part of Dungeon Awakenings WIP


Considering the massive length of this update. I'm going to work on this in parts and update this post frequently.

Dungeon Changes

* All the demons (except high class ones) that appear in dungeons will have decreased magic defense, increased attack cooltime, and hit recovery. (Actually it says magic resistance, attack cooltimes, and hit recovery are all dropped, but i think they meant to say that those monsters have gotten easier.)

*Monsters that are summoned after Alphelia post will have scaled down stamina (stat).

*Monster HP will be adjusted in party play. (Guess it will be different for soloers)

Snowstorm Ravina's hit recovery and the number of hits summoned by his snowstorm will be reduced.

*Beast Master Luger and Cervante's hit recovery and movement speed was reduced.

Child with the Frozen Heart (Charlie)
*Size of the map will be shrunk.

-The number of monsters summoned by Charlie will be reduced.
-Charlie's attack delay and dash attack delay will be lengthened.
-The number of storms will be reduced (VAGUE! That's all it says. Don't know where it's the number of hits or the total number of storms that Charlie summons).

Ryku Point
*If the self destructing Goblins self destruct during their cast time the damage will be reduced. (Yes, it really is phrased like that. That said, I didn't now they had a cast time or explode during said cast time)
*Crazy Lim Lim's aura shield will be reduced
*The cooltime for Ice Golem Ryku's ice weave will be displayed above his head and the attack radius will be displayed in a red ring.

White Land
*The number of monsters in short maps will be reduced (What does short map even mean?)
*Lengthened the animation of the snowman's attacks. (Don't know what the snowmen are...)

Bwanga Camp
*Hawk eye
-Birds summoned when Hawkeye is down will be negated if he's hit while on the ground.
-Fixed a bug where he changed AI commands when he took damage.

*Icicle Malaga
-The cooltime for the back roll when he's down will be lengthened.
-The cooltime for his mid air ice pillar drop will be lengthened.
*Lariat Lari
-Lengthened the cooltime and delay of the ultimate tornado summoning move.
-The cooltime for the whirlwind punch has been lengthened.
-Lengthened the cooltime for her counters when she receives attacks.

*Medusa ShaSha
-When she summons ice snakes, the cool time for her petrification powder will be lengthened.
-Ice Snakes will now move slower
*Rabbit Clan Snake Conjurer's summoned ice snakes will drastically move slower.

Ice Castle
*The number of monsters have decreased in the map Emildiel appears.
*Rosi's Grandfather clock ice range has been drastically reduced and the range will be displayed.
*Ice Queen Rosi
-For every adventurer in the party fewer monsters will be spawned.
-The gap between when normal monsters and named monsters are summon is increased.

Skasa's Lair
*Nasla's defense and hit recovery has been reduced.
*Karta's defense and hit recovery has been reduced.
*Ice Dragon Skasa
-Attack and hit recovery has been reduced.
-Stomping damage is reduced.
*Dungeon Clear bonus EXP has been reduced.

Dark Elf Cemetary
*Changed the location of the monsters (perhaps referring to which maps certain monsters spawn?)
*The overall size of the map is smaller. (Don't know if that refers to each room or the map layout)
*Removed the Wraith and Soultaker that appears in the boss room
*Lengthened the the attack delay of the bone skeletons.

Labyrinth of Shadows
*Modified the seal that appears right before stones fall.
*Significantly dropped the armor destruction chance of the Dark Elf Demon Hunter's arrow.
*Removed all the high grade elementals throughout Labyrinth of Shadows and the low grade elementals' attack speed has been significantly reduced.

Lava Cave
*Shrunk the size of some rooms.
*Reduced the magic defense of the soul taker
*Increased the chances of finding an HP fairy
*Reduced the attack speed of Atlas, Titan, and Goliath.
*Reduced the damage from the burning zombie's fire status damage as well as reduced the fire resistance as they receive fire based attacks.
*Increased the chances that the invincibility fairy will appear in the burning zombie room.

Underfoot Entrance
*Headless Knight
-Reduced the chances he will use the attack which summons the ghost horses.
-Increased Stuck chances of the spinning sword rush attack (why can't they just say they reduced the accuracy of the attack? God....)
*Damage from the headless knight trap has been reduced
*Added a jar that can house a fairy that gives 100% accuracy in the boss room.

Fallen Thieves
*Running demon Saki's attack pattern will be adjusted

Butterfly's Dance
*Moth Queen
-Adjusted the pattern of the butterfly on hero's road.
-Reduced the damage and duration of the wrapping attack on hero's road.

Town of Doubt
*Reduced the number of monsters summoned by Medea (Medusa). (I don't know what they want here. On the card she's Medusa, but her name is Medea. Not only that there's another monster with the name "Medusa" in the game. MAKE UP YOUR MIND)
*Grave Robbing Loser's movement speed and hit recovery had been reduced.
-Removed the "Poison that flows into the blood vessel" skill (awakening passive) from the fighter doppleganger (but not the streetfighter)
-Reduced the level of the "Poison that Flows into the Blood Vessel" skill
-Fixed a bug where more than 1 doppelganger appeared.


  1. erm, are you sure the "demons" aren't referring to spirits (i.e. elementals)? That's what I translated it as. A lot of people in-game are taking this as a change to all mobs, but that doesn't seem to be the case.

  2. Also, "*Monsters that are summoned after Alphelia post will have scaled down stamina (stat)." is really ambiguous - but then the Neople notes are even moreso. I.E. is it "after" or just in the post?

  3. Also, sorry for the comment spam but "*Monster HP will be adjusted in party play. (Guess it will be different for soloers)" - this is referring to a bugfix where if a party member drops then the hp of monsters drop in the next room if scaling applies - i.e. 2nd impact hp scaling. Tested and confirmed myself.

  4. "*The number of monsters in short maps will be reduced (What does short map even mean?)" - probably just small rooms in general. They reduced the monsters, even in the initial room by a bit, but added an extra snowball throwing named ape in the dual ape rooms.

    "*Lengthened the animation of the snowman's attacks. (Don't know what the snowmen are...)" - yeah, that's a rough one - I thought it was referring to the boss but it might just be referring to an increased delay in the snowball throwing apes as the boss seems the same.

  5. Oh lord I could spend all day doing this (and have already spend more then that on dfosource trying to figure it out on test)... point is that the patch notes Neople provided are so vague and incomplete that they are almost nigh-useless. There's very few specifics, and even some outright omissions - kind of rare for them. So give Z a break :).

    I guess I should change my approach to this to basically a confirmed/not confirmed stance or a "if you see it has changed, note it" at this point.

  6. Dark Elf Cemetary
    "*Changed the location of the monsters (perhaps referring to which maps certain monsters spawn?)" - I guess so. Didn't notice much difference in the number of mobs except the boss room.
    "*The overall size of the map is smaller. (Don't know if that refers to each room or the map layout)" - most room sizes are condensed/smaller. Map size is the same despite what the patch sort of implies - how's that for vague?

    MUST STOP DOING THIS..... I guess you could always just correct me on DfoSource or comment on my notes if you want.

  7. All parentheses are my personal notes. Everything I translate is a direct translation from the patch notes. How it actually takes effect in game is more or less altogether a different matter. Anything vague is like that because neople patch notes are vague...

    Bosses always have a separate section that's starred and then dashes following. There's some cross checking I have to do in game.

  8. OK, I can understand that, and that's quite respectable. Problem is some people on Sirroco are using this as gospel... I hope they read what you wrote in that comment :).

    Thanks Z.
